21 Days to Change Your Life

Learn how to transform your reality in just 3 weeks…

They say it takes 21 days to form a new habit. But, you have to be consistent.

I’m the type of person that works well with a map, a guide, a system - that way (when I inevitably veer of course), I know how to get back.

Also, I’m a compulsive list-maker … anyone else? 🙋🏻‍♀️

For the next 21 days, I’m challenging myself to a RADICAL transformation. Do you want to join me?

The rules are simple:

  • Step 1: Pick a single goal in 3 areas of your life you want to work on.

    • The 3 areas I chose are: physical, mental, spiritual.

  • Step 2: Write them down. (I put mine below as an example..)

    • Physical: Exercise 4x-5x a week

    • Mental: Work on my business 30 min a day

    • Spiritual: Meditate 15 min a day

  • Step 3: Chart them in the calendar (which you can print here.) If you miss a day, you MUST START OVER. **

    • Each day, fill in which of your activities you completed.

    • I color-coded mine to see it more easily.

    • ** Why do I insist on this? Because the habit won’t form if you don’t do it consistently. You can half-ass a diet and expect to lose weight. You can’t half-ass your studying and expect to ace the taste. You can’t half-ass habit-building and expect it to stick… Period.

  • Step 4: Use the journal sheet to jot down your successes and stumbles.

    • It’s important that your goals feel achievable. Otherwise, you’ll get frustrated and give up.

  • Step 5: At the end of 21 days, reflect on how far you’ve come! Share in the facebook group.

    • How do you feel?

    • Did you meet all of our goals? If not, what can you improve for next time.

It sounds easy enough but real change requires commitment. I believe in you - so it’s time to believe in yourself too!

LEAVE A COMMENT and tell me what 3 areas you’re going to focus on for the challenge! I believe in you. ❤️

DISCLAIMER: The information in this post is based on anecdotal evidence and should not be taken as legal advice. The opinions expressed in this article are based solely on my own experiences. GigiByDesign will not be held responsible for any financial repercussions as a result of reading this blog. 

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